My experience with Aden & Anais Swaddle Blankets/Wraps

I was blessed with the birth of my first son during the heat of summer…with no air conditioning. Fun right? I soon found that though he preferred to be swaddled, typical receiving blankets were much too warm for my tiny buddle of joy (at this point, he was actually more like a screaming terror). I scoured department stores for thinner blankets and came up empty handed. Luckily, I had 2 muslin pillowcases which I promptly cut apart to make my own breathable, lightweight swaddling wraps for him, which was functional even if it wasn‘t pretty. Phew! Crisis averted.

To my relief, my second child was born in the middle of winter. Unfortunately, she grew so quickly, she was already 20 lbs by 3 months and outgrew all of her receiving blankets. Back to the store I dutifully went in search of larger blankets. It didn’t take long to find out that most blankets came in one of 2 sizes, and the larger size was very, VERY hard to find. With little success, I made do with the couple I was able to scrounge up and simply did her laundry a lot more frequently than would have been necessary.

My third child? No prob…winter baby and tiny. J

Which brings us to the present. My fourth and final child…born in the summer (this time with air conditioning. Thank goodness!), and getting larger exponentially with every passing week. With flashbacks of my previous experiences running through my mind, I frantically searched for a solution…and what did I find? These fantastic muslin swaddling wraps! Why didn’t I find these sooner?!! Not only are they lightweight, soft and stretchy (so the baby doesn’t feel like he/she is in a straight-jacket), they’re also LARGE! Whether your baby is big or small, tall or short, skinny or wide, these blankets are PERFECT! Thin enough to swaddle a summer baby outside, yet warm enough for the coolest of air conditioned rooms.

These versatile wraps can be used to swaddle your baby, toss over your stroller to shield baby from the sun, cover you and baby while nursing, line the stroller or car seat, or cover a changing table. They can also be used as a burp cloth or a tummy-time blanket. If you can think of it, chances are these blankets can be used for it!

Soft, breathable, lightweight and generously proportioned, these swaddlers are 47” x 47” each and made from pre-washed 100% cotton muslin. The best part is…the more you wash them, the softer they get!